Wednesday, June 20, 2007


When I was young I was much impressed with the true story of the boy who spent all nite in the freezing cold to plug up a hole in the dyke wall of Holland.
He sat there all night in freezing temperature until help arrived in the morning. If he did not take such brave action, that part of Holland protected by the dyke wall would have been breached and there would have been massive flooding.

I see a vision of a far away church dry and void of the Spirit of God. Then I see dykes and on the other side of the dyke I see an ocean of God's Holy spirit filled with power and wanting to overfow this church with miracles and signs and wonders and manifestations of his Holy Spirit. Unlike the dykes of Holland which protected the people from the ocean, the dykes here are actually set up to block the operation of the Holy Spirit of God. The dykes in this vision keep the people of God away from the Spirit of God.

And I see this lifeline boy making a hole in the dyke and the Spirit of God flowing throgh this hole first in trickles and then in a great gush and then in such force and power that the walls of this far away church is breached and the sweet waters of the Holy Sririt RAIN DOWN and FLOOD the church with signs wonders and manifestations of his Holy Spirit.

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